Shields and Brooks

Shields and Brooks on leadership in a time of crisis

Shields and Brooks celebrate a lifetime in American politics

Shields and Brooks on Warren's farewell, Biden's surge

Shields and Brooks Respond to the State of the Union

Shields and Brooks on Obamacare repeal failure, Gorsuch grilling

Shields and Brooks on Boehner's 'New World Order,' Wisconsin Protests

Shields and Brooks on Biden's VP decision, pandemic economy

Shields and Brooks on the politics of impeachment

Shields and Brooks Preview 2012 Presidential Debate

Shields and Brooks on Republicans' latest election challenge

Shields and Brooks on how Paris changed the political debate

Shields and Brooks on Trump and race, Democrats' 2020 values

Shields and Brooks on shutdown's 'tectonic' effect for Republicans

Shields and Brooks on health care, Trump's Khashoggi reaction

Shields and Brooks on Climate Deal, Senate Health Bill | PBS NewsHour

Shields and Brooks on government shutdown blame, Trump’s first year

Shields and Brooks on GOP health care bill pushback, Trump’s dramatic budget

Shields and Brooks on New Year's, Budget Fights, Chuck Hagel

Shields and Brooks on ‘reality show’ rules and midterm prospects

Brooks and Capehart on Trump's role in the chaotic funding battle in Congress

Shields and Brooks on Trump’s unprecedented transition

Shields and Brooks on the election's 'parity of sleaze'

Shields and Brooks on campaign finance and what we learned in the Democratic debate

Shields and Brooks on virus aid impasse, Woodward's Trump revelations